My life’s work centers on bringing human society into harmony with the Earth through approaches that emphasize non-dual consciousness, active embodied participation, and the intelligent design of systems that re-enchant us to beauty.

As a means to inspire a greater number of people across these subjects, I started the podcast Lifeworlds. Here, I ask “How can we learn to see the world through the eyes, minds and hearts of other life? Can we regenerate the earth through inhabiting different perspectives and lifeworlds?”. My guests are farmers, lawyers, scientists, investors, indigenous scholars, artists, and many others. More at

This website is a portfolio of my creative soul, a collection of my work and other things I come across that inspire me to keep creating, writing, and being.

If you are interested in talking please reach out at



(Quick note: For my professional landing page, please redirect yourself here. For the abridged version, my vocational experience spans from group facilitation and leadership development to corporate sustainability work, journalism, catalyzing cultural projects in emerging markets, land-based conservation initiatives and storytelling consulting.)

Now… If you’ve made it this far… A story.

While I was living in Mexico City, a leather-bound red notebook came into my possession. Its cover was traced by thin gold lines, hot air balloons, compass points, maps and pyramids and exploding stars. Its pages were empty. I began to write. I wrote about marveling, about adventure, about seeing in unseeing. A leaf fluttered down and landed in my lap. I had sat below this tree every day. I thought I knew this leaf — how it breathed and grew and changed shape as water coursed through its veins. I knew what it looked like in its most virgin form; I knew what it would look like when it would crumble into new soil.

But now, I really took that leaf. I studied its rivers, its sinews, its lungs, its geometric patterns. It was heartbreakingly perfect. When you really look at a leaf, it’s a wonder it even exists at all. I began to note its shape without the need for words. Its feel. I inhaled its smell. I even tasted it. Was it now the same leaf as before? Probably not. And that’s what I mean about marveling.

Within each object are a million stories waiting to be told, and within each person lies an entire world – those are the stories I want to write and share. To love the questions more than the answers and to see the earth in its bright startling clarity. To travel to its furthest corners. To offer my life’s journey as a pledge towards its regeneration. That map holds promise, elation. People often look towards the moon and the stars and fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.

If I had a manifesto of sorts, it would go something like this… Let’s melt into and surrender into the our wild Earth, opening ourselves up to the infinite shimmering webs that connect us with all of life, every breath taken a homage to ocean phytoplankton and madrone trees, and from that place, do our part to witness and tend to the unfolding of its beauty for future generations.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you find something here that will make you smile, pause and reflect.


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